Our Why
Our mission is to make our world a better place through deepening
an individual's connection to the natural world... and themselves.
We do that through transformative outdoor adventures, educational workshops,
and quality gear that empowers travellers to go further and deeper.

Why Do We Do This?
We started Trip Shed for a pretty simple reason. We love canoe tripping, outdoor experiences, and empowering others to find their own adventure.We wanted to find a way to give people the skills, confidence and gear to get themselves to the magic waiting in the backcountry. That magic has, and continues to, offer wonders to us that continue to shape us to this day.
Who Are We?
We are Aaron and Alex Savatti. Brothers who found themselves as guides more than a decade ago, we both learned the value of outdoor adventure first hand through exploring Ontario’s backcountry lakes, rivers and portage trails. Growing up in Toronto, Ontario, having access to wild spaces during our summers was critical to our development. It gave us space to roam, to play and to cultivate a deep love for nature connection work. We’ve been hooked ever since.

What do we do?
We built Trip Shed simply because it’s what we love to do. We love to share that with other people. We love to see others connect more deeply to themselves and each other through outdoor adventure. Trip Shed started out of that desire, evolving into an experience first outdoors store. We strive to provide only the gear we believe in for our customers, using our passion for canoe tripping to provide unforgettable experiences.
Where do we do it?
The majority of our backcountry trips take place in Ontario’s Algonquin Provincial Park, the place that’s served as a second home for us over the years. We offer in-person workshops across the GTA, as well as a series of online learning opportunities. Our hope as we continue on this trail is to connect as many people as possible to themselves, each other and the natural world through full immersion into the wild.

Got any questions about who we are, what we do, or why we do it? Drop us a line here. We're always so happy to connect.