We get it. Trust is everything. Especially when you're investing in gear you that you'll depend on while you're out in the elements. You need to trust that your gear wont fail on you. You need to trust that your gear will be of the quality you expect. You need to trust the advice of those guiding your gear purchases. We beat the crap out of our gear and rely on it in the field too. That's why we've developed the Trip Shed Pledge. Any problem, any time we're here. Check out our return policy here for specific details.
Our Promise

Quality Gear
All the products we sell are carefully curated from years of testing in the field. If we haven't used it, and don't trust it, we won't sell it.

Easy Shipping
Not only are all orders over $50 shipped for free across Canada, but we also offset the carbon emissions associated with every shipment.

Our Guarantee
We guarantee all the products we sell. Same goes for any advice we give you. Got an issue with your gear? Contact us and we'll get it sorted.
Still not sure?
Send us an email at info@thetripshed.ca or call us at 647-977-9147.